The Test Lab
The Test Bench 2002 The Test Bench 2004 The Test Bench 2008
Spectrum Analyzer HP 8563A (9kHz - 26.5GHz) + HP 85640A (300kHz - 2.9GHz) + HP 11970U Mixer (40-60GHz)
Noise Figure EATON 2075-2A (10MHz - 1800MHz - with external mixer to 60GHz)
+ HP 346B (10 MHz - 18GHz) + MSC (1 - 24GHz) + 47GHz/76GHz Micronetics Noise Source with Isolator
Frequency Counter HP 5350B (10Hz - 20GHz); HP 5328A (DC - 500MHz)
Precision Timebase HP Z3801A GPS Receiver + EFRATOM MRT-H Rubidium Freq. Standard
G3RUH 10 MHz GPS Disciplined Oszillator / ThunderBolt 10MHz GPS Disciplined Oscillator
Frequency Marker Adret 5104 + California Microwave "Brick" -> 24GHz Marker/Beacon
Synthesizer PTS 160 (0,1 - 160MHz)
Network Analyzer Wiltron 560A + Wiltron 6637A (2 - 20GHz)
CellMaster MT8212B Cable & Antenna 25 MHz - 4 GHz / Spectrum 0.1 MHz - 3 GHz / Power 4.5 MHz - 3 GHz (0,1 - 4GHz)
RF Power Meter HP 438A with HP 8485A (50MHz - 26,5GHz) and HP Q8486A (33 - 50GHz)
RF Power Meter HP 435A with HP 8481A (50MHz - 18GHz)
Acessories Attenuators, Switches, Adapter
Oscilloscope HM 205-3 (Digital: 2x20MHz 2x2048x8 bit - Analog: 2 Kanäle 0-20 MHz)
AC/DC Voltage Multimeter (DC 0 - 5kV); HV Probe to 40KV; HP 428B Clip-on DC Milliammeter (1mA - 10A)
Power Supplies 24V and 48V Power Supplies
TWT Test Lab Siemens DL120 PSU Dummy Load (TWT power supplies RWN, RWNH, RWNS, RWNVH, NYH119x)