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YH 119x YH1190 & YH1191 - YH198
Metal-Ceramic Traveling Wave Tubes .
Beam focussing by means of an integral periodic permanent magnet system.

.YH1190YH1191YH1192YH1193YH1194 YH1195YH1196YH1197YH1198.
Frequency 11.7 - 12.7 10.7 - 11.7 11.7 - 12.4 10.7 - 11.7 12.5 - 13.2 10.7 - 11.7 14.0 - 14.5 11.7 - 12.5 12.7 - 13.2 GHz
U filament6.3 +/- 2%6.3 +/- 2%6.3 +/- 2%6.3 +/- 2%6.3 +/- 1%6.36.3 +/- 2%6.3 +/- 1%6.3 +/- 2%Volt
I filament0.60.510.510.51.51 +/- 5%.0.51.51 +/- 5%0.44 - 0.525A
T min322222222min
U g23.00 - 3.602.75 - 3.262.75 - 3.302.65 - 3.302.6 - 3.282.6 - 3.282.70 - 3.102.6 - 3.282.75 - 3.25kV
U g2 max73.53.53.35..
I g2<0.20<0.15<0.15<0.15..<
I g2 max10.30.30.3..
U collector12.
U collector1 minmax
U collector2n.a.n.a..0.650.650.650.650.650.65kV
U collector2 minn.a.n.a..0.63....0.63kV
I cathode1005556555354555063mA
U helix<6.53.363.363.383.293.383.453.383.38kv
U helix max73.63.63.6..
I  helix max62.52.544.2.544mA
P sat70242427226.3*21226.3*W
T max100808090..80.90deg C

OSM = SMA - WR90/hh = WR90 half hight
YH1190 was a TEST sample only and never in full production
YH1191 - 1198 are interchangeable for Amateur Service
* = Power for "Digital Service"
Power Level at Amateur Service may be higher - I measured some YH1195 and YH1198 at > 30W output